Agree Time Shipment

We maximize your supply chain efficiency with On-time Shipment Guarantee

Improve Supply Chain

Timely Delivery Ensured

we impose fines on suppliers for delayed deliveries, incentivizing them to adhere to deadlines. Should a supplier fail to respond promptly after a shipment delay, steps in swiftly to resolve the issue, ensuring minimal inconvenience to the customer. Furthermore, we closely monitor and manage supplier ratings and rankings on our platform, providing regular warnings to suppliers who consistently deliver late. This proactive approach encourages over 90% of our suppliers to prioritize timely shipments, enhancing the overall efficiency of supply chain to our customers

Expect & Streamline

Efficiently organize and oversee inventory, confident in the timely fulfillment of orders, ensuring smooth operations and customer satisfaction

Compensation For Late Shipment

In case of Delayed Delivery we fine supplier a specific percentage of from the amount and you recieve voucher for upcomming orders

Solve by STA

If you encounter difficulties with a supplier or face challenges in negotiations, intervenes directly, sparing you from the inconvenience

How agree-time shipment work

Make sure Which Product you select that support On-time Delivery

Select that Products Only on Which Product page is under Price Section > TAG with ( Agree-time Shipment)

Pay Only Through

when you order from Partner Supplier On Remember you Add STA on Order Request Page , Otherwise you can't Claim

Submit a Claim in case of any shipment Delay

Should your items fail to arrive as scheduled, simply navigate to My Account > Trade > STA Claim to initiate a Compensation request after submit this you see restitution is seamlessly credited to your account.